Friday, March 18, 2011

127 Hours - a film review

So basically there's this guy called Aron Ralston(James Franco) who goes biking/hiking to canyon land. He listenes to some crappy music, falls off his bike, takes a lot of pictures and films himself. The man is psychologically funny because he talks to himself a lot, even in the beginning of the movie where he hasn't gotten into trouble yet.

On the first day of the trip he meets two girls who are lost, guides them around a bit and then they part ways. Shortly after that the protagonist gets stuck inside a crack in the surface. His hand is crushed by a multi-tonne piece of rock.Long story short, he goes through some kind of a mental trip during the following few days and cuts is own arm off with a crappy-ass chinese-made camping knife. Then he goes home.

All in all, its an ok film but it could've been done better. First of all the plot is boring. I know it's based on true events but still, come on. ~2 hours of one character, one milieu, one voice... you get the idea. All i got from the film was an urge to hiking and a dizzy feeling from the scene where he cuts his own arm off. Now THAT'S grotesque. Excellent performance by James Franco. That's pretty much what saves the film from total disaster.

Entertainment value: Good/OK
You should watch it if: you're into hiking, 16-45 years old and like slower paced films.
Score: 7/10

IMDB- link


  1. After hearing the rave reviews and the pile of awards it received, I meant to see the film. But honestly, after Black Swan, nothing could have been a better film in 2010.

  2. @jamierod.rodriguez


    I thought that "The Social Network" got really fucked over in the oscars this year.. A really great movie with a great cast!

  3. @PONZI

    The Social Network is indeed a great movie. Maybe I'll rewatch and review it sometime.

  4. I didn't like that movie very much :I

  5. Sound pretty boring movie to me. I would watch it if i had nothing else to do thought.

  6. @Lemmiwinks

    Thanks! :D

    This was just a quick review done from memory. I'll be writing more elaborate stuff next week, now I'm a bit tired so I think I'll rest for now.

  7. Haha, i really liked this movie. thanks for the review

  8. You don't happen to know if this is available on netflix do you? Also, you're font is a little hard to read.

  9. Loved this movie, thanks for review.

  10. Might have to see this movie, but I don't know if I like the "one guy for the whole movie" plot.

  11. @Android News

    Sorry dunno about netflix. I'll change my font asap.

  12. That was a nice movie, but a bit boring in the end.

  13. I have to agree with you. I thought it was really slow and wasn't going anywhere.
